Getting to Disney
So... Getting to Orlando, Florida wasn't as easy as we initially thought, especially with hurricane Emily looming days away from Brownsville/Harlingen. Our flights were delayed a few minutes while early disturbances started to rain on our parade.We still ended up getting to Houston in time to catch our connecting flight but as you can see the weather didn't really change very much. In fact it was worse, then again, when isn't Houston not raining.
The trip through Orlando, and into Disney was breath taking. Disney has gotten so large that they have most of their own resources like a fire deptment, expressway system, etc... We stayed at the Yacht Club Resort which of course was bueatiful.
How do you think that the view from my room looked like? take a look for yourself...
To be continued...
Meanwhile, Miriam is stuck at home trying to figure out what the hell she's going to do about the stupid hurricane. At least I got mouse ears :oÞ
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